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Aerials - TV Radio
Aerial Man - TV Radio aerial installation


How Kijoma provides its leading edge "fast for all" service
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(first draft notes)

Kijoma is a wireless internet provider. This means we do not use or rely on telephone cables to bring a service to our customers homes or businesses.

Our Wireless is not to be confused with what other providers call "Wireless broadband", they are referring to a WiFi connection from your otherwise cabled connection in your house/office, this is for short range (2-300 Metres or less) connectivity to your laptops etc...

Kijoma's Wireless is wide area , covering typically an arc of 20 km in a 120 degree radius from a single aerial. To receive our system we supply and fit a small aerial onto your property which then provides a cable connection to your computer, wired network or WiFi? Router/access point.

We do not use Satellites or leased lines so do not suffer the reliability/unusable latency(delay) and erratic speeds of the former or the low speeds and high cost of the latter. Our system is ground based and as such latency/delay is comparable or better than that expected from a good ADSL service.

Our coverage is increasing all the time and as technology leaders we strive to provide even faster service and more capacity as demand is filled.

Kijoma's wireless system is secure and encrypted, It does not use the crowded and interference prone 2.4GHz WiFi? band or any domestic quality equipment.

The procedure for ordering our service is to first click on "contact us" and fill out the form.. We will respond eventually once we get to your enquiry, this may take a while when there are a lot if requests for service and also if we are otherwise tied up with a new network roll out, planned upgrade work / maintenance or servicing existing customers requests.

Once we get to your request, we check our map database of coverage to assess if you we can provide a service to you, if this looks good we then do a detailed aerial photography check for possible obstructions such as large trees or buildings. If this goes ok then we will arrange a date to survey to confirm coverage and when possible install your service at the same time..

Once installed we will email you the paperwork, payment form, install invoice etc... , printed versions can be provided but we prefer to keep our administration as paperless as possible.

Created by: admin last modification: Saturday 19 of September, 2009 [11:24:03 UTC] by admin

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